February 28, 2013
Welcome to BionicTrousers.com!

Bionic Trousers Media has existed as a company since 2008, but it took us five years for us to find the time to make a site to put everything we’ve created in one place!
Co-founded by Graham Stark and Paul Saunders, Bionic Trousers Media has amassed one of the largest, most diverse portfolios of internet video series ever created. We currently produce four weekly comedy video series: LoadingReadyRun, Feed Dump, Unskippable and CheckPoint. In addition we also take on work-for-hire projects for corporate clients such as Friday Nights for Wizards of the Coast and Strip Search, our new reality TV Show co-produced with Penny Arcade. If you would like to inquire about working with Bionic Trousers Media for your online video project, please contact us.